Example essay on Bribery

Bribery is a form of corruption that is happening all around the world. It is increasing continuously around the world especially for the past few decades. It indicates that people don’t have moral standards or ethics anymore. All they know about is to get personal advantage by harming others. But we cannot turn a blind eye towards it as it is poisoning the whole society and world. The exchange of goods, materials, and money is being done through illegal ways in form of bribery.

If we try to find a single person in this entire world who has never received or given a bribe, it is highly likely that we are going to be disappointed. It shows that bribery is most common than we think. We have started normalizing bribery in all matters of life either major or minor. For instance, if anyone wants their children to get admitted to their favorite schools and the cap is already full, they will have a second thought of offering bribery to the admin immediately. Similarly, if we don’t get the ticket for our desired transport service, we will try to use the power of money to get what we desire. These are a few examples of bribery which is happening at a smaller level.

Now, look at the bigger level, where the bribery gets offered to the police officials to get away with crimes. People don’t hesitate while offering or taking bribery either because of their greed or fear. There is hardly any area of life that has been left untouched by bribery. For instance, if we look at the system of our homes, parents are mostly found offering ‘a sort of bribery’ to their children to get things done. So, children simply follow what they see their parents doing. If they have seen their parents offering bribery to the traffic police officer after breaking laws, they are soon going to do the same. This way, the never-ending cycle of bribery makes people believe that it is a common thing.

At the same time, bribery has a huge negative impact on the growth of a country. The economy of that country starts getting weaker where equality of rights is not being ensured. Since people don’t get what they deserve, they end up snatching the rights of each other. Whenever we use bribery to get something done, some deserving people lose the rights they were entitled to as they might not have enough money to briber the officials. So, the need of the hour is to understand that bribery is an evil activity that we need to eradicate from our systems.

In a nutshell, both the government and citizens must make conscious efforts of getting rid of bribery. If the citizens stop bribing each other, the government would be left with no other option than giving deserving people their rights. Also, we must teach our children moral lessons through our actions. This way, they would learn that they are going to bear the consequences if they get indulged in bribery or any other criminal activity.

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